The Darcheinu Curricula

Darcheinu has been carefully designed to bring SEL learning into Jewish schools, ensuring it aligns with our Torah values while addressing modern challenges like relationship building use and stress management. With fun activities and practical guidance, Darcheinu aims to nurture not just knowledgeable students, but well-rounded and emotionally healthy individuals.

Middle School Curriculum

Darcheinu Unit Outline 5th-8th Grades

5th Grade
Unit 1: Problem Solving
Unit 2: Feelings
Unit 3: Honesty
Unit 4: Friendship
Unit 5: Bullying
Unit 6: Organization
Unit 7: Staying Safe
Unit 1: Feelings
Unit 2: Problem Solving
Unit 3: Honesty
Unit 4: Friendship
Unit 5: Bullying
Unit 6: Organization
Unit 7: Staying Safe
6th Grade
Unit 1: Emotions
Unit 2: Conflict Resolution and Anger Management
Unit 3: Respect​
Unit 4: Relationships
Unit 5: Making Good Judgments
Unit 6: Safety with Technology
Unit 1: Emotions
Unit 2: My Changing Body
Unit 3: Respect​
Unit 4: Relationships
Unit 5: Making Good Judgments
Unit 6: Safety with Technology
7th Grade
Unit 1: Self-Awareness
Unit 2: The Kedusha Curriculum
Unit 3: Communication
Unit 4: Friendship
Unit 5: Values
Unit 1: Self-Awareness
Unit 2: (Girls) Creating a Positive Body Image
Unit 4: Friendship
Unit 5: Values
8th Grade
Unit 1: Stress
Unit 2: Digital World
Unit 3: Intro to Substances (Alcohol and Vaping)
Unit 4: Relationships
Unit 5: Feelings
Unit 6: Peer Pressure
Unit 7: Transition to High School
Unit 1: Stress
Unit 2: Digital World
Unit 3: Feelings
Unit 4: Relationships
Unit 5: Peer Pressure
Unit 6: Transition to High School

Session 2: THINK. FEEL. DO.

5th Grade Girls

This lesson aims to help students understand and express their emotions. Students learn to identify different emotions, both comfortable and uncomfortable, and understand the connection between thoughts and feelings. The session involves interactive activities such as labeling emotions on faces, discussing feelings, completing worksheets, and storytelling exercises to illustrate how thoughts influence emotions. The lesson emphasizes the importance of expressing feelings and how this can help manage reactions and behaviors. Through guided discussions and hands-on activities, students are encouraged to recognize and articulate their feelings, promoting emotional awareness and healthy emotional expression.

High School Curriculum

Darcheinu Unit Outline 9th-12th Grades

9th Grade
Unit 1: Healthy Living
Unit 2: Relationship Building
Unit 3: Substances
Unit 4: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Unit 5: Handling Feelings and Stress
Unit 1: Healthy Living
Unit 2: Healthy Body Image
Unit 3: Relationship Building
Unit 4: Handling Feelings and Stress
10th Grade
Unit 1: Life Pressures
Unit 2: Addiction Awareness
Unit 3: Staying Mentally Fit
Unit 4: Technology Awareness
Unit 5: Dealing with Anger
Unit 1: Life Pressures
Unit 2: Staying Mentally Fit
Unit 3: Technology Awareness
Unit 4: Dealing with Anger
11th Grade
Unit 1: Responsibility
Unit 2: Relationships
Unit 3: Binge Drinking and DUI
Unit 4: Balanced Mind and Body
Unit 5: Self Knowledge
Unit 6: Leadership
Unit 1: Responsibility
Unit 2: Healthy Relationships
Unit 3: Balanced Body and Mind
Unit 4: Self Knowledge
Unit 5: Leadership
12th Grade
Unit 1: Life After High School
Unit 2: Rising Above the Influence
Unit 3: Relationships Wrap – Up
Unit 4: Dealing with Anger
Unit 1: Life After High School
Unit 2: Happily, Ever After:
Navigating the Road from Dating to Marriage
Unit 3: Dealing with Anger
Unit 4: Addiction Awareness

Session 1: Leadership Skills

11th Grade Boys

This lesson focuses on empowering students to understand and embrace leadership. It begins with a discussion on historical and contemporary Jewish leaders, identifying key qualities that make them effective. Students then use the “Who’s at Your Table” worksheet to identify their mentors and role models, followed by a reflection on personal values that influence decision-making. The lesson concludes with a discussion on the importance of empathy and selflessness in leadership, using examples from the Torah and our history.


The Torah’s Way

Darcheinu was created to customize the evidence-based and successful SEL curricula to meet the specific needs of yeshiva and bais yaakov students.  With the guidance, advice, and approval of Harav Hillel David Shlit”a and Harav Elya Brudny Shlit”a, and the endorsement of the Vaad Roshei HaYeshiva of Torah Umesorah, our experienced team of curriculum writers—who live in and are members of the community that Darcheinu serves—tailor-made this vital curriculum. We have begun to implement the Darcheinu curriculum in numerous schools across the United States, and hope to continue changing the lives of thousands of talmidim and talmidos as Darcheinu expands to many more schools.

Teacher Resources

Our program is created to provide educators with the tools they need to effectively implement the Darcheinu SEL curriculum.
Curriculum Guides
and Lesson Plans
Every enrolled teacher can download detailed lessons, including handouts, worksheets, and activities.
Community and
Support Network
Join our Teachers Corner forums to connect and discuss lesson plans with other educators.
Classroom Activities
and Tools

Many sessions include interactive activities and tools to enhance our SEL program in your classroom.

Parental Engagement Resources

Templates of parent letter describing the sessions and key points presented to students are available for all units.

Crisis Response and
Mental Health Support

Parental supplemental booklets have been created and shared after community crises.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback

Feedback surveys are provided to students and teachers, and lesson plans are improved based on new research.


On a regular basis, teachers from all over, write in to tell us what they love about Darcheinu.
"The Darcheinu program is very applicable. The girls relate to it. It's halacha l'maaseh for them, practical tools they can use right now. It gives the girls something real. They love our teacher, and they open up to her - that is a very necessary piece for the success of the program."
Rebbetzin Miriam Tropper
Assistant Principal
Torah Academy for Girls High School, Far Rockaway, NY
"I found that the girls looked forward to the Darcheinu Lessons-and enjoyed the games and discussions. As the school guidance counselor, it was so helpful having prepared Lesson Plans on social emotional skills. I believe these foundational skills will IY”H enable us to develop emotionally healthy young women."
Mrs. Hindy Motzen
School Guidance Counselor
and Darcheinu Facilitator
Bnos Yisroel, Baltimore, MD
"The sessions have been increasing the student's awareness of crucial topics which are relative to their lives- such as self-control, focusing on long-term goals, and personal growth and awareness."
Mrs. Nechama Jakobovits, MACP
Director of Student Services
and Darcheinu Facilitator
Bais Yaakov High School, Chicago, IL
"It was truly wonderful teaching the Darcheinu program! The boys grew in so many ways, most notably in communicating, growing, creating safe places and validating feelings. A truly wonderful program that should be used by many more of our schools. Thank you!"
Rabbi Shlomo Rosenblatt
8th Grade Rebbe
and Darcheinu Facilitator
Yeshiva Derech HaTorah, Brooklyn, NY
"Darcheinu has been a pioneering platform for our talmidim to open up and share the different challenges they face on a day-to-day basis, whether it be at school or at home. It has been a stepping stone for many, in expressing their emotions when faced with adversity. Having been positively impacted by the program, the talmidim keep asking for more time to be allotted for the program! Darcheinu truly paves the way for our youth to acquire social skills that any Ben Torah would deem vital for their overall growth and happiness."
Rabbi Yochai Oren
7th Grade Rebbe/Mashgiach
and Darcheinu Facilitator
Yeshivat Derech Eretz, Brooklyn, NY
"The Darcheinu program is engaging, applicable, and relatable to students. It provides a space for important topics and discussions."
Mrs. Shuly Zuckerman, M.Ed
Assistant Principal
Bnos Malka Academy, Queens, NY
"Our Path SEL is a wonderful program that addresses the social-emotional needs of students in Jewish day schools in a way that is culturally relevant and responsive. It is a privilege to work with their team and the curriculum lends itself to rich discussions and workshops, with topics so critical in our return to school this year. Looking forward to continued collaboration."
Mrs. Yaffie Leibowitz
5th Grade Teacher
and Darcheinu Facilitator
Maor Bet Yaakov, Montreal

Welcome Teachers!