Yes, there is a mandatory initial training that can be done virtually, where you learn all about teaching SEL, the digital platform, how to properly prepare and deliver the classes, and the overall layout of the curriculum.
Yes. We recommend at least twice a month supervisions for all teachers new to this curriculum. The frequency of the supervisions can be increased or decreased depending on need.
There is an annual fee which will be sent to you in a detailed pricing document. Please be aware that we never want cost to get in the way of a school using this vital curriculum. If your school does not have sufficient funding to pay full price, we will work with you to whatever extent is necessary, as long as you work with us. Please be in touch to get the pricing document sent to you and then we can schedule a call to discuss your school’s needs.
The curriculum is exclusively a teacher/school platform; since everything goes through the teacher and administration, the curriculum is fully customizable based on the teacher and the administration’s needs and preferences. A later unit can be taught earlier, and some topics can be skipped altogether if so desired. Regular supervisions can be very helpful in determining how to properly customize the curriculum in a thoughtful way.
The ideal Darcheinu teacher is someone who can balance the educator role with the mental health professional role. A Darcheinu teacher needs to demand the respect and have the classroom management skills of a standard teacher, yet also needs to be able to connect with his/her students on a deeper and more meaningful level. He/she needs to be comfortable discussing sensitive topics, be a role model to his/her students, and be the type of person that the students will want to speak to after class.
Darcheinu is Endorsed by the Vaad Roshei HaYeshiva of Torah Umesorah and is under the auspices of Harav Hillel David Shlit”a and Harav Elya Brudny Shlit”a.